
”Your Vata eye cream is the ONLY product I’ve found which, when I awake in the morning, has filled the wrinkles.”

I wanted to check back in here after some time using your products. I contracted some new wrinkles while writing my 4th book on women’s health this year. Your Vata eye cream is the ONLY product I’ve found which, when I awake in the morning, has filled the wrinkles. Which are forehead not eye actually.

I ADORE the smell of the Kapha products and used them in summer. And I find the energy of each, the Vata, Pitta, Kapha, is actually effective in terms of dry, inflamed, and dull, respectively. As opposed to so many “ayurvedic” products which seem to use the concepts as gimmicks.

Kate O' Donnell, Author, Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook series

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